
School Level Course List

 Course Code No.Course NameDurationSyllabus
1 ST1001 Class I 90 Hrs. Introduction to Computer parts only

Use of Tux Paint only Drawing

2 ST1002 Class II90 Hrs. Introduction to Computer parts only

Use of Tux Paint only Drawing

3 ST1003 Class III90 Hrs. Introduction to Computer parts only(Computer On/Off)

Use of Tux Paint (Drawing and Saving)


Typing Game.
4 ST1004Class IV90 Hrs Introduction to Computer parts only(folder making, copy,Rename,Deleting)

Use of Tux Paint (Drawing and Saving,Save file Open)


Typing Game & Word.
5 ST1005 Class V90 Hrs Introduction to Computer parts (folder making, copy,Rename,Deleting, Wallpaper, Date & Time)

Use of MS Paint (How to Open,Drawing)


Typing Game & Word.
6 ST1006Class VI90 Hrs. UNIT – 1 : Introduction to Computer Fundamentals & IT Concepts(Desktop,Keyboard,Mouse,Ram,Hard Disk,) UNIT – 2 : Ms Paint Brush, Calculator (30 Hours) Introduction to Windows, Running applications, Basic of Notepad & Wordpad, Introduction to paintbrush, Manipulating areas of pictures, Using Calculator UNIT – 3 : Basic of Microsoft Word, MS-PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Creating & Editing Text, Formatting Text, Microsoft PowerPoint, Formatting Presentation UNIT – 4 : Introduction to internet UNIT – 5 : Typing Practice
7 ST1007 Class VII 90 Hrs. Unit – 1 : Introduction to Computer Fundamentals – IT Concepts:- Definition of Computer, Characteristics of Computer – Speed, Diligence, Accuracy, Versatility, Storage, Basic Applications of Computers, Concept of Hardware and Software, Components of computer Hardware and software, Computer Memory – Primary, secondary, RAM & ROM, units of memory, input/output devices.

Unit – 2 : Introduction to windows and its Accessories – Basic computer of windows, Icons, types of icons, Taskbar, Activating Windows, Moving & scrolling windows, Using your desktop, title bar, Minimize, Maximize & close Buttons, Running Applications. Exploring your Computer.- Managing files & folders, creating folders, finding files & folders, opening & folders, copying, deleting and moving files & folders Painting Pictures With Paint brush Introduction to paintbrush:- Opening an existing picture, starting a new picture, basic painting techniques, Setting the foreground & background colors . Using Painting Tools: - Toll box, Palette, Curve tool, Brush Tool. Manipulating areas of pictures: - Selecting an area, moving an area, flipping & rotating Selections, Inverting Colors, Stretching & Shrinking area, zooming a picture.

Unit-3 : Microsoft Word: - Creating & Editing Text, Formatting Text, Working with tables. MS Power Point: - Creating Presentation, Customizing presentation, MS-Excel:- Introduction to Excel, Creating & Editing Workbooks.

Unit-4: Introduction to Internet:- What is Internet, History of Internet, Advantages of Internet, World Wide Web, E-Mail, Web Browser, Types Of Internet Access, Search Information.

Unit-5: Typing practice- Hands on Experience for Typing practice.
8 ST1008Class VIII90 Hrs. Unit – 1 : introduction to Computer Fundamentals – IT Concepts :- Definition of Computer, Characteristics of computer – Speed, Dilingence , Accuracy, Versatility , Storage. Basic Applications of Computers, Concept of Hardware and Software, Components of computer . Hardware and Software, Computer Memory – Primary , secondary , RAN & ROM, units of memory , Input / output devices. Classification of Software, Operating System and its functions, history of computers and generations

UNIT - 2 : introduction to windows and its Accessories, Exploring your computer

UNIT - 3 : Microsoft Word , MS-Power Point MS Excel –Microsoft Word : Formatting Text , Working with tables , Microsoft PowerPoint: : Creating a Presentation, MS Excel : Creating & Editing Workbooks, Formatting Workbooks

UNIT - 4 : Internet Internet, History of internet, Advantages of Internet, Requirements of Internet, World Web browser, types of Internet Access search information, Services on the web- E- mail, Newsgroups, FTP, Search Engines.

UNIT – 5 : Typing Practice - Hands on Experience for Typing practice
9 ST1009Class IX 90 Hrs. UNIT - 1 : Introduction to Computer Fundamentals, IT Concepts

UNIT - 2 : Microsoft Word, MS- PowerPoint, MS -Excel, MS-Access - Microsoft Word : Formatting Text, Microsoft PowerPoint: Creating a MS Excel : creating & Editing Workbook , Formatting Workbooks, MS Access Introduction to Access

UNIT - 3 : Networking and Internet - What is a network, advantages of network, Differentiate between LAN, WAN and MAN , Internet and , Services on the web- E – mail Newsgroups, search Engines, Chat, E Commerce

UNIT - 4 : Project Work
10 ST1010 Class X90 Hrs. UNIT-1: Introducation to Computer Fundaments-It Concepts, Classification of Computers, Computer Language, Assembly Language and High Levele Language, Roll of Assembler & Compiler.

UNIT-2: MS Word(Formatting Text),MS Power Point(Customizing Presentation), MS Excel, MS Acess. UNIT-3: Introduction to HTML & Internet(Termp and Concepts, web browser,documents tags,lists,linking World Wide Web, File Transfer Protocol, utilities.)(17 Hrs) UNIT-4: Project Work & Typing Practice.
11 ST1011Class XI 90 Hrs. UNIT - 1 : Introduction to Computer Fundamentals, IT Concepts

UNIT - 2 : Microsoft Word, MS- PowerPoint, MS -Excel, MS-Access - Microsoft Word : Formatting Text, Microsoft PowerPoint: Creating a MS Excel : creating & Editing Workbook , Formatting Workbooks, MS Access Introduction to Access

UNIT - 3 : Networking and Internet - What is a network, advantages of network, Differentiate between LAN, WAN and MAN , Internet and , Services on the web- E – mail Newsgroups, search Engines, Chat, E Commerce

UNIT - 4 : Project Work
12 ST1012 Class XII90 Hrs. syyy